Participating - For Investors

Step 1: Discover Promising Tokens

Begin by exploring a wide variety of tokens on the Pump Pad platform, from meme coins to more advanced token types like RWA, AI, Lending, D-app, and GameFi. Find the tokens that catch your interest and start your unique journey in the crypto space.

Step 2: Purchase via Unified Pricing Mechanism

Buy tokens using Pump Pad’s unified pricing mechanism, which ensures a transparent and user-friendly purchasing experience, making it easy for users to enter the token market.

Step 3: Flexible Selling Options

Pump Pad provides flexible trading options, allowing users to sell their tokens at any point—whether to secure profits or minimize losses.

Step 4: Bonding Curve

As community engagement and token purchases increase, the market value of tokens on Pump Pad is anticipated to rise, potentially reaching the full capacity of the unified pricing model (approximately $59,000).

Step 5: Liquidity Creation and Token Burn Mechanism

Once the pricing model reaches its peak, a predetermined amount of liquidity (e.g., $12,000) is automatically added to decentralized exchanges like Uniswap or PancakeSwap and burned, reinforcing the token’s market stability.

Accessing Your Personal Profile

Once you link your wallet, follow these steps to view your Personal Profile:

  1. Click on Your Wallet Address: Located in the top right corner of the page.

  2. Select "Personal Profile" from the dropdown menu.

In your Personal Profile, you will find:

  • Tokens Held: Displays the quantity and value of tokens you currently own.

Tokens Created: Shows tokens that have been created by your address, presented in a card format on the Home page.

Last updated